July 30: Romans 8:31-33
Key Verse: Romans 8:32
He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all - how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?
I have heard the first verse said many times before and quoted so much on social media: “If God is for us, who can be against us?” To me this can sound a bit hollow unless it is followed up with an explanation as to why this should be so. I know in my early journey with God I used to pick holes in so many things Christians said because I saw them living a different life to what they were saying; this is not God’s way and certainly not what God has done!
I God was willing to allow His only Son to come to us and die in our stead, just because He loves us, then we should grasp this saying with both hands and live with it, not just say it! What does this mean in real terms? Does it not mean we should be trusting God and going out to do things in His name and knowing He is going to support us? So what is stopping you from listening to what God is saying to you?
Sometimes we hear things and immediately ignore them just because they sound like it could be difficult. Sometimes we try to change what we hear to support our own wants instead of the true need God knows we should be filling. I am proud to be a part of the Eden group (@joineden on must social media) and a few years back we stepped forward to do what God was asking us to do. This meant being totally outside my comfort zone, which changed very quickly when I realised God was actually doing what He said!
Living on an estate where we can help and support local people, not through giving money and covering expenses, but by social and spiritual help gives a whole new meaning to life. This is what God has asked of us and we do so willingly, knowing it will be hard work, knowing we will get backlashes, knowing we will face opposition, but knowing God is with us every step of the way!
Points to Ponder:
How often you wonder if you are listening to God?
Will you place your faith and trust in Him wholly?
Thursday 30 Jul 2020
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