July 27: Psalm 106:6-8
Key Verse: Psalm 106:7
When our ancestors were in Egypt, they gave no thought to your miracles; they did not remember your many kindnesses, and they rebelled by the sea, the Red Sea.
God remains the same, the same as He was in the beginning and the same as He will be in our futures. We need to remember what God has done in our pasts and in the pasts of our ancestors so we can know His power, might, love and forgiveness. Just as God showed love to the people when they were trapped and enslaved in Egypt, so He continues to show love every day of our lives.
The people cried out to God to save them from being slaves. They called on His might and power to free them. And He did. But soon after they were freed, they forgot the miracles God did because they were free and able to think for themselves… therein lies one of our downfalls – the more we try and think things through, the more we think we are in control and the less we rely on God for things. That is where things go wrong.
Not because God wants to punish us for the things we are doing, not because He wants to pull us back in line, but because we lose control when we think we are in control. We do not have the will or the power to release ourselves from the corruption and entrapments of this world; we give in too easily and we forget who has the ultimate power!
But, no matter how much we ignore God, reject Him or generally mess things up, He continues to try and give us a way of coming back to Him and enjoying the strength we gain from being with Him. God will use mere human beings to show us His power and His might – we just have to identify who is in control and who is allowing great things to happen in our midst!
Points to Ponder:
Do you see God’s work around you?
Are you willing to allow God to use you?
Monday 27 Jul 2020
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