July 25: Psalm 51:10-12
Key Verse: Psalm 51:11
Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.
So, you’re feeling down. You don’t feel like you can connect with God. You know you have done something wrong. You can’t see a way out. What do you do? People tell you to “get right with God!” How?!?!
God does not expect you to have the answers. He does not expect you to know exactly what to do. He knows you are in a state and He knows you cannot connect with Him just by reading the bible like other Christians do. God has the answers and He knows what to do.
How hard do you find it waiting for a bus which is already late because traffic is really bad? How do you find waiting when you don’t know the answers? None of us find it easy and none of us knows an easy way out of the problem… we all face very different situations in our walk with God and there is no “one size fits all” answer to everyone’s problems because God made us all very different, unique.
I find this part of the Psalm very helpful when things get on top of me because it seems to give me a platform from which I can move forward with God; not because I have the strength to do much about it, but because God has the strength to do something I cannot do. It starts off by asking God to help straighten things out because I know I cannot do it. It asks God to renew those feelings I had before. It asks God to do what I cannot do.
There is always the fear God will cut us loose because we have done things wrong, but we should know this is not true. He has promised us He will never let us go and nothing in this world will be able to take us away from God; that includes our feelings. God can restore those feelings and can bring back that joy which brings back the willing spirit and sustains us once again.
Points to Ponder:
How bad do things have to get before you ask for help?
Will you ask for help whilst things are still OK?
Saturday 25 Jul 2020
Hits: 655