July 23: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 5:19
that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.
Have you ever had someone say you have lost your mind or lost the plot because you choose to be a Christian? I have had my fair share of people saying this and learned these are only words said by people who do not know God yet. Those people are judging you by earthly means and according to earthly standards; they cannot conceive the limitlessness of the world according to God and all He has done for us.
Christ came to live amongst us as a human being so we could try to understand there is hope for human beings. He put aside the heavenly ways so He could demonstrate how we could have a loving relationship with God even though we think we are limited by earthly limits. The truth is we are not limited by anything other than what is in our minds and hearts. God has promised this to us…
When Jesus came to earth, people judged Him as a human being because that is exactly what He was. What they did not look for was the Heavenly relationship He had and the unbound love God continued to show Him whilst He was but a mere human being! Jesus showed us the new way to belong to God, in spirit instead of bound by earthly rules and regulations.
He committed His life to demonstrating the reconciliation offered to every human being through His actions. Each one of us is, therefore, just like Jesus in being an ambassador for Christ. It is our job to show people the way to God through Jesus. It is not something we may be called to do once in a while but a way of living we need to pick up and run with! This way we can share the joy of being reconciled to God!
Points to Ponder:
Are you mad on Jesus?
Will you demonstrate a loving relationship to others?
Thursday 23 Jul 2020
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