July 21: Matthew 6:19-21
Key Verse: Matthew 6:21
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
What are your goals in life? What do you aim to do in life? I know those are really big questions, so lets trim this down a bit… what do you aim to do today? Does this differ from what you want to do, what you desire to be able to do?
If we are all very honest with the question “what do we want to do” then we are going to say things which may not be likely or possible for us. These are the things we seek after in our hearts and these are also the things which will probably make a very big difference to our lives if we are able to achieve them.
Quite often we set goals which are more achievable so we can get to them and make ourselves feel good about being able to get there. When we get to the goal, the goal is complete and we set up another one – and so the story goes on and on. We get to feel good, not just once, but multiple times… But what happens when we are able to achieve a goal only to see it crushed by someone else doing something which makes it of no affect? What happens when our goals are dashed on the rocks? We feel down and despondent…
Any goal we set up here on earth, be it getting the latest game on our computer, getting the latest fashion, getting to be a millionaire… these are all things which are temporary and get bashed and dashed multiple times within our lifetimes. The joy of achieving them is overshadowed by the grief of having them taken away.
What we need to do, then, is to aim for goals which other people cannot take away from us. Goals which can never be dashed, bashed or destroyed by any human being or anything else here on earth! This is why we are encouraged to seek and save up treasures in heaven where they can never be touched by other humans. The joy is everlasting!
Points to Ponder:
What is your goal today?
Have you tried to ask God for your next goal to reach for?
Tuesday 21 Jul 2020
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