July 3: Mark 11:22-26
Key Verse: Mark 11:23
Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.
Do you have doubts when you pray? Doubts your prayers will be heard, doubts they will be answered, doubts they are what you need? All these doubts do not come from God but from the evil one who is trying desperately to make you doubt so your prayers will not be answered. Jesus was quite plain with the truth about prayer – if we ask and believe, He will answer!
Our problems come when we ask with that little bit of doubt hanging around in the corner of our minds – why, because we have probably asked before and nothing has happened yet… but that time we asked we had doubts anyway! Bit of a catch 22 situation and it will remain so until you are corned and ask our of desperation, knowing God is the only one who can answer your prayers, and then you find they are answered.
When Jesus sent out the disciples to go and teach, cure and support people, he did so knowing they knew the power of prayer. When we do know the power of prayer, we don’t, or shouldn’t, have any doubts about what we ask for because we should know Christ is listening and answering all the time.
Each time I write about this subject my mind goes back to a time when I literally fell on my knees with my son and daughter and begged God to help me. We all ended up in tears and our prayers were answered at that very moment; not years, days, hours or minutes later but at that very moment! Yet I still have that nagging doubt swimming round in my head because the evil one is always throwing things into my head and into my path. Lord, help me in my unbelief.
Points to Ponder:
How often do you pray from your heart?
Do you fully trust in your prayers?
Friday 3 Jul 2020
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