June 28: John 9:13-23
Key Verse: John 9:16
Some of the Pharisees said, “This man is not from God, for he does not keep the Sabbath.” But others asked, “How can a sinner perform such signs?” So they were divided.
Jesus did cause quite a stir wherever He went, not just because He was performing miracles or because He was telling people the truth about God, but because He was doing so when and where the help was required. Too many times we get caught up in the when and where and lose focus on the what and the whom for. Jesus was always focused on the whom for and He was willing to do what it took when it was required!
Now, if we were to do things more in the way Jesus did them, we too would find a barrage of people willing to speak up against us because we dare to do what is right! People are too entrenched in the ways of their lives and lose focus on who they are serving; and yes, as Christians we too are guilty of this because we get too caught up in what our church should look like instead!
One other thing we tend to lose focus on when we focus on our church or our own lives is what Jesus can do! The Pharisees refused to believe Jesus was the Messiah and limited Him to being a prophet, this would give Him authority to do some things, but He would have to keep within their laws – something Jesus was not willing to do. We need to free ourselves from the restrictions of what we think should happen and allow Christ to show us what can happen when we give Him the proper authority due!
When we impose our ways and our limits, we are also imposing limits on the people we are trying to free. When we limit Jesus in ways we can understand, we are limiting the faith of the people around us to what we can explain in human limitations. God is not limited by what we can understand! We need to change to expect more from God so the people around us can see more of what God can do!
Points to Ponder:
Do you limit your belief?
Will you free your faith to grow to Jesus’ proportions instead?
Sunday 28 Jun 2020
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