June 26: John 4:39-41
Key Verse: John 4:41
And because of his words many more became believers.
How often do you talk about what God has done in your life. If, like me, the answer is always ‘not enough!’ We simply do not tell people enough about what God does in our lives because we don’t always think of the things He is doing for us every day, you know, the every day things… But when we realise He has done something big in our lives we tend to keep quiet about it in case someone does not like the fact we have had something special done for us… Bit of a catch 22 thing going here!
God would love us to talk about Him all the time so others will get to know the little things He does as well as the big advertised things He does. I am in the middle of trying to put pen to paper about just what God has done for me over the last year and a bit, how He has brought me through when doctors and family thought things were going south for me! It is difficult because I don’t want to sound pompous about God doing something for me – but that is God’s love in action and people need to know about it...
When Jesus talked to the Samaritan woman at the well, it was not a long theological debate, just the simple truth about who He is and what He can do! We don’t have to worry about the theology behind what God does in our lives, just to remember it is Him doing these wonderful things and not just random chance. I love God because of what He has done for everyone and want Him to be able to do so much more for other people, and He knew that so made sure I survived and will continue to tell the story and give Him the glory.
When the woman went back to tell others about what had happened, they knew her past, the knew who she was and they did not expect God to show her love. But He did! That is the base of the story which made others want to come and find out more for themselves. When we talk about God, we need to make it personal and allow people to see He does things for ordinary people like us!
Points to Ponder:
Do you think you have to be special for God to love you?
Have you asked Him to come into your life?
Friday 26 Jun 2020
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