June 24: Mark 8:14-21
Key Verse: Mark 8:18
Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? And don’t you remember?
How quickly do you forget when things happen your way? I’m sure we can all recall a time when things went wrong or they did not happen in the way we expected them to, but how many times do you remember when things happened the right way? If you are like me, then you tend to forget the good things because we are expected them to happen and they happened; but those bad things I remember!
Jesus pointed this out to the disciples because He could sense they were only picking up on the bad things. We are very much like the disciples in the way we remember things too. If we want to try and see the amount of times God is actually doing things in our lives, then we have to make a big change in how we remember things. I could say we should all write down each good or bad thing, but I know I keep forgetting to write down the good times.
Our attitude needs to change, not so we can try to overcome the bad things but so we can focus on the good things and start to expect the good things every day of our lives. The more we expect God to do things, the more we will ask Him to intercede because we are expecting something good to come out of it! But so long as we focus on the bad times, we expect to not get our prayers answered – whether we use the excuse that we are asking the wrong things or at the wrong time, or whether we say “God doesn’t want me to have that yet” is not really the question…
We should be looking back in our lives and picking up on the things God has done so we will be encouraged to ask for more. We should be asking and expecting positive responses all the time. This is what God has promised and what we should expect! Is it time for us to make a change? Yes! Expect better things and start loving the people God has brought into your lives!
Points to Ponder:
Do you focus on the bad times like me?
Will you join me in trying to focus on what God has done?
Wednesday 24 Jun 2020
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