June 22: Mark 7:1-8
Key Verse: Mark 7:7
They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.
It is very easy to get caught up in the feelings of a mass gathering and do things without really meaning them. It is very easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment and do something which you would otherwise not think of doing. This is part of our human nature; a part we need to watch out for when we come to worship God.
God is not caught up in the moment and will not accept a repetitive task being done as a substitute for a relationship with Him! We may be able to fool people by doing something over and over again to pretend we are doing it for the right reasons, but we cannot pull the wool over God’s eyes – He sees everything, including what is in your heart.
The prophet Isaiah had been given warnings from God that the people would ‘turn cold’ because they would get caught up in doing things out of habit instead of doing them because of their love for God. He wrote those things down for us to remember and people do remember these things; but we still get carried away with doing things out of habit instead of doing it for God. Christ came to give His life for us so we could draw near to God. He gave everything so we could come closer to God with open hearts and minds. The least we can do is come forward with open hearts…
Jesus berated the Pharisees and the teachers for doing things out of habit or because that was the way the other people were doing things. God does not teach us to follow human rules but to follow His rules. He does not want us all to be people who gather round and do things together just because our parents or our grandparents did so. He wants us to do things because we love Him and want to honour Him with our actions and our thoughts.
Points to Ponder:
What do you do to honour God?
Will you do something different today to honour God?
Monday 22 Jun 2020
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