June 15: Mark 4:35-41
Key Verse: Mark 4:39
He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.
Sometimes in life we seem to be swamped by storms! Everything seems like it is out of control and we start panicking because we think we are going to sink! This may well have been a real storm for the disciples as they were crossing the sea, but Jesus’ reply goes much deeper than the physical storm. In just a few words He was able to calm the storm and allow the disciples to relax once again – none of this had bothered Jesus in the beginning because He was asleep during the storm.
It was all about trust and faith. Jesus had complete faith and trust in His Father in Heaven. He knew His Father would look after Him no matter what! He knew no matter what He faced in this physical life, God His Father would continue to be there and look out for Him. What faith!
When we are faced with physical, emotional or spiritual hardships in our lives, we do need to remember God is in control and has this! Yes, it is hard to remember the pace of Christ when we are surrounded by a storm in our lives, but, as demonstrated here, it is the perfect way out of any storm. Does this mean we are not going to face storms? Certainly not, we are surrounded by people making storms, by situations which have grown up from tiny streams into raging torrents – all because a succession of people have not yet called on the name of God to calm the storm.
If we are able to call on God to help with the situations before they turn into storms, then we are ahead of the game and others will not have to endure those storms. If we are able to share this encouragement with others, they will feel a whole lot safer when they see the storms approaching. It is our faith which will be able to help others find theirs. It is our faith which is that light shining in the darkness. It is our faith which is that tiny seed from which a whole lot of goodness can grow!
Points to Ponder:
Do you sink or swim?
Do you call on God before the storm or only when it rages?
Monday 15 Jun 2020
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