June 13: Mark 4:26-29
Key Verse: Mark 4:27
Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how.
I continue to marvel at how plants grow no matter what goes on around them. The world is knee deep in panic and survival mode at the moment, with some countries seeing the light at the end of the tunnel whilst others are just going into the tunnel… but throughout this, the plants around us continue to grow and provide for so many, not just humans but insects and animals and mammals alike. God had this plan sorted before we came along and broke things – but His plan continues no matter what.
Yes, we have to tend to things and look after things, just as He has asked us to; and if we don’t look after things, we get meagre offerings from our plants, but they still continue to be plants and continue to survive in most cases. God does not require that we know why things happen or how they happen, just that they do happen and accept it. We can study things to allow our plants to grow better and produce more, but as soon as we start fiddling unnaturally with things, we break more than we fix!
We are not gods and we cannot hope to understand all He has for us and all He does for us, but if we are willing to use what He gives us and listen to His instruction about what we have, we will make it through and we will be successful. Our definition of success may well be different from God’s definition, but we will succeed as much as He wants us to – whether we know it or not!
When I plant seeds, I like to keep an eye on things – not because I have to to make sure they grow, but because I want to see the marvel of God’s creation springing up from a pile of dirt! If this is what God can do with a seed in a pile of dirt, then imagine what He could do with you in the right place at the right time! But we need to listen to Him to know where that right place and right time are!
Points to Ponder:
Do you like watching plants grow – especially in the spring time?
Have you thought about where God wants you?
Saturday 13 Jun 2020
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