June 11: Mark 2:13-17
Key Verse: Mark 2:17
On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
When Jesus went round trying to open people’s eyes and hearts to the gospel message, He did not just go to people who went to the temple regularly or just to people who professed to follow God, He went to people who He knew needed to hear the gospel – especially if it was going to be for the first time! This meant He would meet with people who had little or nothing in common with what would normally be seen as His normal circle of followers!
Jesus reached out the the people He knew needed God most of all in their lives – these were typically the people who had turned their backs on Godly ways and embraced the corrupt and deceitful ways of the world. The backlash from this came from the people we would probably look at as being the ones we should trust from the church; although this was what we now know as the religious leaders and not what we now call church leaders.
I can imagine the tax collectors all flocking to this dinner at Levi’s house because they wanted to be seen as the main people in society. I really don’t think they went there to listen to Jesus or to learn about following Christ; but I may stand corrected if I meet them face to face in Heaven! Christ often calls us to places where we will have to be part of the local community where He has not been invited in before. How else can He be accepted in unless He is invited in?
We are the people on the front line who God is asking to open the ears of eyes of the blind and open the ears of the deaf. I’m not talking physically but metaphorically. Jesus wants them to open their hearts just a little so He can work in their lives. But as long as they remain firmly closed and behind locked door of greed and corruption, He cannot hope to come in. The last thing these people need is someone coming in a switching on the light full blast to bring shame to them. Jesus wants us to come in with open eyes, ears and hearts; to become part of the community so they can see there is hope if they are willing to look for it. That hope is Christ Jesus!
Points to Ponder:
Do you only stick with your own friends?
Are you willing to step out into a new community for God?
Thursday 11 Jun 2020
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