June 9: Isaiah 11:6-9
Key Verse: Isaiah 11:6
The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them.
This morning as I lay in bed for a while trying to get my eyes to focus and my brain to get into gear, I stumbled through my early morning social media catch-up and happened upon a video rant from a young black woman highlighting just a few of the wrongs of this world against black people in America. By the end of the clip I was in tears, literally! My mind is still reeling from the truths she said and the burden the rest of the world has placed upon their shoulders. It reminded me of my time spent in Africa and the social injustice I lived with and was glad to turn my back on.
This picture painted here of a place where we shall all be able to live in harmony seems but a distant dream we can all think of but one which we cannot really imagine because of the world we have been brought up in. And then just as I was about to get out of bed for my shower I happened on a video of a young child playing with the most enormous snake I have ever seen – playing as if it was normal to do so!
Nothing is impossible. Nothing is too far out of our reach. But we have to be the ones who make the change here and now so others after us will begin to see this new way of living as normal!
I would like each of you to sit down and pray for 5 minutes about this social injustice we are living in and being a part of. I know 5 minutes is a very long time to pray for some of us, but what is 5 minutes compared to the life you have lived so far? What is five minutes of prayer which may just change your world? Are you willing to give just an inch and make it stick? Too many times in the past we have seen promises made which are broken because the unrest has died down or because the news people have found something else to latch on to. 5 minutes...
Points to Ponder:
What social injustice do you see in your community?
Are you really looking at your community or just your life in it?
Tuesday 9 Jun 2020
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