May 27: 1 John 3:16-18
Key Verse: 1 John 3:16
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.
What sort of things do you do because you love someone? Do you pray for them? Do you give them food when they need it? Do you care for them when they are ill? Do you go out of your way to be there for them when they are anxious? All these things are actions which we can do to show our love toward others and this should not be limited to the people we hold nearest and dearest only – God wants us to do these things for our neighbours!
What is love if there are no actions to follow it up with? I know it is very difficult to show our love in ways we used to a few short months ago, but this should not withhold us from showing love in other ways. Prayer is one of those ways we can reach out to others in love, not because they can hear you praying, see you praying or be with you praying, but because you know God will answer your prayers and uphold them toward those you pray for!
One of the biggest ‘actions’ we can offer in love is to tell the truth, no matter what! I have learned the hard way that telling a lie will not end well and will bring down you soul as well as the people who hear that lie. This can be a lie spoken out loud, or even a lie kept to yourself – people are still affected by your lie even when you do not say it out loud. The people who are going to be most affected by your lies are the people who are closest to you, the very people you do not want to lie to!
We can all see the enormous affects of lie which governments tell, the lies penetrate the lives of every person in those countries! Those lies seep the energy out of souls who would otherwise be fed by the truth and by encouragement. It is little wonder lawlessness breaks out when lies are told… God always tells us the truth. Jesus came to fulfil the truth and allow us to see the power of truth. He stepped forward and took action when others were just talking about it. I love the slogan of the charity I work with “Be the change!”
Points to Ponder:
How do you like showing people you care for them?
Will you put aside your wants for someone else’s needs today?
Wednesday 27 May 2020
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