Thursday 7 May 2020

May 7: Romans 2:12-13

Key Verse: Romans 2:12
All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law.

Why do we have laws? Well, it is our (mankind’s) way of describing what is acceptable and what is not. But if we did not make up laws, then how could we be doing anything wrong? We cannot escape laws! Just because they may not be written down on paper for you, does not make them non-existent. We live with in the natural world and we were given the task of looking after it by God in the beginning – so we are born into a world where natural laws existed before we had our judicial systems in place!

One of the positive things we have seen during this pandemic is the clearing up of the atmosphere, the cleaner air, water and even our streets! When we do give God control of things, we can see just how good He can be! But when we force our self-imposed laws upon God’s creation, we break it so quickly! It is unfortunate that it has taken something so drastic to make us stop and think about our world again – but we have started in the right direction…

It is not so fortunate we have also been exposed to the world-wide corruption of many governments! We see politicians in their true colours as they break all the laws which they are supposed to uphold – we see many telling lies to cover up their ineptitude! But through all of this, there is one who is watching and seeing all of those laws broken – not man’s laws, but His original laws!

I know I am no angel, but I do try to do what is right and I do try to uphold God’s laws. I also know it is not really what I do which will make me righteous in God’s eyes. This passage is not saying we have to work at the laws to be right with God; it is saying we have to do what God has asked us to do and to do it willingly!

Points to Ponder:
Do you know God has asked you to believe in Jesus?

Have you truly accepted Jesus as Saviour?