Sunday 3 May 2020

May 3: 3 John 1:1-4

Key Verse: 3 John 1:1
The elder, To my dear friend Gaius, whom I love in the truth.

Once again we assume we are reading the words of John, not because he calls himself by name, but because of his loving character. John writes to Gaius, an elder himself whom he met at some stage and who he has grown to love with a deep Christian love. This is a love which I see as being the full care for someone you know, but not just care but full trust and knowledge this is someone you can trust wholly to deliver the true gospel to others.

Can you name one person you know who is a Christian and who does whatever they can to ensure they are telling people the truth as much as the can. I have been fortunate to know quit a few people who do go out of their way to make sure others hear the gospel and get to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour. I’m not including the people who continue to tell me how many people they have led to the Lord or those who keep a personal tally – I am talking about those who create and keep loving relationships with the people they know.

During this global pandemic we have seen the results of the people who keep tally rather than truly car about the people they come in contact with. We have seen the results of greed and pride which shine through all the best words and talks to show up true colours of people. Don’t try to fool yourself into believing you can hide your true colours behind pleasing looks or carefully crafted words because God is making sure the truth comes out!

I do love the way John has introduced each of his letters with full love and trust but never forgetting just who is behind that true love and trust – our eternally faithful and loving God! His love for people goes beyond words and is deep set in the real care for the people he has got to know and love through the church. So, today, lift up the people you know and love through the church, lift them up to our loving Saviour and ask Him to wrap His arms around them while we cannot!

Points to Ponder:
What do you think people think of you?

Do you know God wants them to know the real you?