Wednsday 29 Apr 2020

April 29: 1 Peter 1:1-2

Key Verse: 1 Peter 1:2
who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to be obedient to Jesus Christ and sprinkled with his blood: Grace and peace be yours in abundance.

Peter, formerly known as Simon, was given his new name by Jesus because of the foreknowledge Christ had of whom he could and would be. Peter does acknowledge himself with his new name because h was now living a life which was quite different to his former life without Christ. His journey was long and very difficult at times where he would struggle with his feelings and his dedication to Jesus, something I am sure we all struggle with at some time or another.

He addresses this letter to all people scattered across the lands; that is the Jews who had gone beyond their borders and no longer were living the life dictated by the Jewish law-makes. To me this seems to be the people who were disillusioned with the constant need to stick to laws which were centuries old and seemed to have drifted away from what they believed. Peter was probably addressing them to bring them back into the fold, not of law-abiding Jews, but of Messiah believing Jews.

He was quite convinced many people had been chosen by God and now were living their different lives, not because they liked rebellion, but because they were convicted by the Holy Spirit and wanted to b obedient to their Messiah, Jesus Christ. A few years ago I would have said the modern Christian had a similar choice in their lives, whether to follow the church and its rules, or to follow Christ. But I see so many people coming back to living their lives with Christ at the centre that I think the church is growing with a new vigour for Christ.

It is this vigour to have Christ at the centre of our lives which I want to encourage in all of us. Yes, we are probably like Simon-Peter and have gone on the side of humanity rather than siding with Christ when the pressure got too much. Remember Christ at all times. Remember how He encouraged Peter to turn fully back to Him. Remember the new vigour given to Peter and try to be more like him today.

Points to Ponder:
When was the last time you chose earthly ways instead of Christian ways?

Do you know Christ has already forgiven you and wants to strengthen you now?