Tuesday 14 Apr 2020

April 14: Acts 1:1-5

Key Verse: Acts 1:3
After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God.

These first verses are quite important but are often overlooked as in many of the letters written by the Apostles. Why are they important? Because they give a consistent link between different letters written and gives us more of a chance at getting the timeline recognised and understood. The languages used have changed so much over the ages the original scripts have to be read by scholars who do understand the ancient ways of talking. Much like this generation looking at Shakespeare's writings – the words may be beautiful and full of meaning, but it takes study to get to the true meanings behind the words.

Luke was very well educated and I find his writings fascinating to read because they are so factual and matter of fact at times, unlike John’s writings which are so full of love, compassion and feelings. For Luke to write saying Jesus had given them many convincing proofs must mean they were very convincing even though we do not hear about all of them in our bibles. Sometimes we just have to take someone else’s words and believe them for what they are!

So many people try to argue about how Jesus was simply a prophet or a priest and yet the words written by the Apostles and corroborated by others prove otherwise; we have a Saviour in Jesus Christ who came down to earth to live amongst us as a human being so He could take on the punishment for the sins of the world once and for all – a fact which was not fully understood until after it had happened and after it was explained once again to the disciples.

God then sent the Holy Spirit to be amongst us and in us so we could further understand what He wants in our lives. The only thing is we have to listen! Something which does has proved to be a ‘difficult’ thing for humans to do – the past few weeks has shown us how many people think they know better and want to do things their own way instead of following what is right!

Points to Ponder:
Are you a good listener?

Do you obey what you hear?