Sunday 12 Apr 2020

April 12: Matthew 28:1-10

Key Verse: Matthew 28:6
He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.

Have you ever wanted to take the punishment for someone else’s misgivings? Have you ever wanted to take on their sickness so they can live? These are feelings we have for people we love, or at least they are the feelings I have for people I love! But let us remember something – these are the type of feelings Jesus had for you and me, just because He loves us so much!

When I was pondering on what verses to use for this devotion, I came across a scribble in my old bible (now over 20 years old) and it struck me; I don’t have to choose anything other than the obvious, but the words I put together around these verses are what can make a difference to you! I can imagine the joy Jesus had when He was able to break free from the tomb and rise up in His new glorious form to accomplish what we thought was not possible – just because He loves us.

Can you imagine the joy the two Mary’s had when they saw Jesus was alive! How much more joy did Jesus have to be able to make this happen? How much more joy we get from something we are able to do which brings joy to someone else! No, it’s not selfish when you focus on the joy you are given them and the joy it spreads to all around you; it’s only selfish if you are doing something just so you can get a kick out of it and not for the joy of the other people involved – it’s hard for me to imagine people can be like that, but they are…

Jesus wanted to spread the joy to all the disciples! I’m sure He could feel how sad they had become because they thought it had all come to an end – but it was only the beginning! This was what God had been waiting for so people would not have to feel like they had to do things just to be safe. I really want others to realise just how important this love is…

So what were the scribbles in my bible!?!?!
Lord, it should be me…
“No it can’t be… I love you...”

Points to Ponder:
What have you done for love?

Are you willing to spread the Good News today?