Monday 6 Apr 2020

April 6: Psalms 36:2-4

Key Verse: Psalms 36:2
In their own eyes they flatter themselves too much to detect or hate their sin.

I guess it takes something out of this world to bring out the best and the worst in people! During this time all around the world we are seeing two sides to people; some of the people we least expect are giving and sharing without measure, and yet others are being so trapped in their own greed and pride they are not seeing what is right in front of themselves. It is my prayer today which goes out to all those people who are too blinded by greed and pride to have their eyes and hearts opened by Christ this Easter and allow them to be set free from their insulated and warped worlds.

I can think back at times a long while ago when I too would get so upset with people I would lose sleep and even try to plot my revenge on them whilst laying in my bed. I look back and wonder how I got caught up in such a pickle and realise it was nothing much other than the normal ways of life happening around me at the time; but I had a hatred in my heart which was stopping me from doing what was right!

God’s love goes out to all those people caught up in the world and trapped in their circumstance – we could all probably name a few people in our communities who are caught in these situations which seem beyond their own control. Lift up your prayers to them today that they may be set free from their hatred. We have seen enough clips on the news and social media of the lengths people are willing to go to because of their greed… and you wonder what their situation is like now. I have not spent my time and money chasing after things such as toilet paper, but rather spent it contemplating how I can help others.

I have found we have enough supplies to continue on living. I have found we have had our needs met. Yes there have been a few ‘close scrapes’ waiting for medication and doctors, but in all we have had our needs met. I continue to rely on God to fill my needs, knowing He is willing and able to do so much more than I realise… if only we could get the word out to the haters to allow them to see there is no real reason for their ways...

Points to Ponder:
Do you know someone locally who is caught up in deceit?

Will you pray for them and stretch out a hand to offer them help?