Tuesday 31 Mar 2020

March 31: Daniel 7:13-14

Key Verse: Daniel 7:14
He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshipped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.

One of the things which amazes me is how some people are able to have such comprehensive and meaningful dreams; or they are able to make sense of the dreams they have! Personally, my dreams are all over the place and it is hard to make sense of some of the things which come out of my mind at night! Daniel was a man after my own heart – he always prayed and always made sure God was at the centre of his life.

When he dreamed of Jesus, it was not a pie in the sky dream or one which he had to think deep and long about to make sense of – it was matter of fact… or was it? We have the history of the life of Jesus written down for us in books and we can compare the dream with what we know has happened.. The words in the New Testament are probably taken from books like this so we can marry up the text with what happened. But what about Daniel and the others with him? What would they think of these things?

The key here is to remember that God is able and willing to do all things. No matter how difficult it is for you to believe He is going to do something, He is able to do it! Don’t limit your expectations by your mind – don’t limit things to what you think is possible or probable! God already knew what would have to be done and He knew when it had to be done. Daniel was willing to listen to Him and to tell other people about what God had told him.

I can only pray that I am willing to accept the things God shows me are possible and trust Him to bring us through this pandemic so I will be able to do the things He has shown me in dreams! God is able. I am scared, but God is able! I have limits, but God is able!

Points to Ponder:
Do you limit God to what you can do?

Will you trust Him to do so much more through you?