Sunday 29 Mar 2020

March 29: Philippians 3:17-21

Key Verse: Philippians 3:20
But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Saviour from there, the Lord Jesus Christ

As Christians we need to be leading by example – just as Paul and the other disciples did after the death and resurrection of Christ. We have these truths written down for us to read and be encouraged by, but unless we are willing to show others how we are encouraged, what use is it other than ensuring our own place in Heaven? We do have a duty to spread the gospel just as Jesus asked His disciples to do because that is the same message He gave to all who were willing to listen!

We will not be able to reach everyone, but we will be able to reach out to the people God gives us in our communities. As long as we are willing to continue listening to God, we will be placed in the right place at the right time to reach the right person who is going to make a difference! Just as this virus spreads through interaction, our task is to spread the gospel through interaction – not physical at this time, but spiritual and by example.

Paul told the people to keep an eye on others – how apt for these times! We really do need to be the example by reaching out to others where we can and showing them there is always someone who cares. They may not know Christ as their Saviour, but by being an example and showing them His ways, we can encourage them to start a journey where they seek out what we know as the truth and know in our hearts.

This does put a burden on us during these tough times, but we have God who is willing to take care of our burdens so long as we trust Him to do so. We have the comfort which goes beyond the fears of this world and we have strength given to us in abundance by Him which we can always call on. We do this through our faith. If we can give this example of faith to others, they too will be helped and strengthened just as we are!

Points to Ponder:
Do you enjoy the peace and strength you get from God?

Will you show someone else how to get that strength today?