Friday 27 Mar 2020

March 27: Luke 7:11-17

Key Verse: Luke 7:13
When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, “Don’t cry.”

When we lose someone we love, our hearts break and we cry. People around us see the heartache we are going through and feel sorry for us, often-times trying to comfort us in our time of need; because we do need comfort in sad times. As we are spread far and wide in our various homes and places of work, we are not always close to friends and people we love. This probably makes us more aware of our need for love and support from others.

I know some of you will face losing someone over this pandemic and maybe it is going to be the one we love more than anything. I am very anxious I will lose the people I love but I also know there is very little I can do to prevent this apart from staying away from them; and I know there are many of you out there who are even more anxious than me. My prayers and love go out to you all.

So how do I cope? I cope through my faith in Christ. I cope because I know God has me firmly in His grip. Does this mean I am not going to get the virus – probably not. Does this mean I will survive – probably. So what’s the difference? Why do I have so much faith and hope in comparison to many out there?

I have faith and hope that God has all of this in control. Yes, many are going to die simply because many people have not listened to the advice from the doctors and scientists. My dad was a pharmacist and always drilled home how important it was to wash our hands – I am really thankful at this time that I do remember this and know how important it is!

We are in a global crisis where many people are going to die – but many more are going to survive and live to tell the tales. How many of us are going to lift God up high and praise Him for remaining faithful even though we may have wondered off? How many are going to see prayers answered because they have trusted God to answer them? Lift up your prayers to God this evening and thank Him for looking after you!

Points to Ponder:
Do you cry out to God all the time?

Or are you waiting to have Him walk past you before you cry out?