Wednesday 18 Mar 2020

March 18: 1 Peter 5:1-4

Key Verse: 1 Peter 5:2
Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them - not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve;

These words in this letter to Peter are words we should all be trying to live up to in times of global concern. As Christians we know what Christ went through on our behalf and know how much God has put in place for us – but what have we done in return? The bible reminds us what we do to the people around us is virtually the same as doing that to God – because we are all God’s children!

The news is so full of bad news and despair at the moment as the world faces the global pandemic of the coronavirus. We have seen some governments try to hide figures, some governments treat it as if it was not real and we see people doing all manner of things through sheer panic. So what can we do as Christians?

We are effectively the ‘elders’ of our communities and we need to take heed of these words in these verses. God has asked us to care for the people around us – whether we like it or not! We see people going against governmental advice just because they don’t trust the advice. What we need to do is to continue to uphold God’s Word and His ways, no matter what else happens around us. Don’t be tempted into panic buying like your neighbours just because they have done it. Don’t be tempted to break the law just because others are in this strange time!

We have been given so many people around us whom we can care for and who need our help in this time. We shouldn’t be doing this just because I say so, or because God says so or anyone else says so. We should be doing this because we want to make a difference – we want to care for others and we want them to be blessed!

Now is the time we can step forward and be the examples others can look to and through this God will be given the glory and His flock will expand...

Points to Ponder:
Do you like helping others?

Will you step up and help a few more people?