Wednesday 4 Mar 2020

March 4: Romans 11:7-10

Key Verse: Romans 11:8
as it is written: “God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that could not see and ears that could not hear, to this very day.”

No matter how hard we try to share the gospel with people, there are always going to be some who just don’t want to accept it – not because they have not been introduced to it, or understood it, but because they have fooled themselves into believing what they want rather than accepting the truth.

To be honest, we are all like this at some point in our lives when we would rather say no than accept something we don’t want to believe or something which will make us change our lives. We are all creatures of habit to a certain extent and we all like to think we know the right answer even when everyone else has changed their minds! It is something about the human psyche that overrides common sense and makes us do things which are just wrong!

I had a weird dream last night where I was trying to provide help for people who were staying over at the house, but for some reason my mind had been totally blocked as to where the kitchen door had gone! I walked up to where it should be but I could not see or feel it – yet I knew it must be there. After breaking down a bit I was able to find the door and hence help feed the people who were staying over! Sometimes we just cannot see the wood from the trees (a good English saying!)

God wants us to have an open mind and open heart at all times so we can accept the things He wants us to have and follow the ways He lays out before us. Our habits and our former lives may well work against us and even prevent us from doing the right thing – but God does not give up on us and continues to try and guide us. He knows how many of us have taken our own paths and He knows how many of us continue to trust and obey His commandments. Which side of the fence are you on?

Points to Ponder:
Are you afraid of following God’s wishes?

Or are you afraid of going against your friends and family?