Sunday 1 Mar 2020

March 1: Psalms 90:10-12

Key Verse: Psalms 90:12
Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Considering the age of the world and the solar system (it’s very old no matter how you look at it) we do not live for very long! Our lives depend on our health, attitude and even our wealth to a certain extent; any which of these could take years away from our lives. The uncertainty of our lives drives some people to despair and troubles many people, even Christians. God has promised us eternal life and we can look forward to an eternity with Him in Heaven, but the uncertainty of our lives on earth can wear us down!

We need to continue asking God for guidance so we can get the most out of our lives on earth – but also so we can make the most of them. The subtle difference being what we get from God and what we are willing to give back to God. I learned last year to not just trust God had my life in His control, but also that I should come back fighting so I could do more for Him after my illness. I continue to gain strength and enjoy better health than last year, but have got far to go before I can relax!

God has impressed on me I have a lot of things to offer Him through our community work and our church outreach. I love the fact I have been given a second chance and want to succeed in doing my best for Him. That does not stop at just doing work for community and church – it also extends to living life according to God’s plan and living it with my friends and family (something I have not done too well on in the past!)

God wants us to be proficient, prolific and professional. Hows that for a few P’s! But doing this all according to God’s plan takes time and courage. We are going to be asked to step out of our comfort zones at times. We are going to be asked to do more than we have done before. We are going to be asked all manner of things – how are we going to fit it all in our busy lifestyles! God has a plan for that and listening out for His plan must become central to our lives so we can get the most our of life and do the most we can too.

Points to Ponder:
Do you live for yourself or for God?

Are you willing to spend more time listening out for God?