Friday 28 Feb 2020

February 28: Matthew 25:1-13

Key Verse: Matthew 25:5
The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.

I don’t know about you, but I sometimes have a problem with being likened to a virgin, because I know I am anything but a virgin! Not in the physical sense but because my life has had it’s ups and downs and I have strayed away from God, sometimes without thinking, but also willingly as well! But this is the way Jesus wanted us to think about how He looks upon us – as potentially pure and very special!

This parable talks about ten girls who were to meet the bridegroom – not absolutely sure of the whys and wherefores because society has changed so much since then. Their task was to keep themselves ready and waiting until the bridegroom came to them; doesn’t sound such an onerous task for anyone… But some of them became very impatient when the bridegroom did not arrive when they thought he should! They did things their own way and were not fully prepared when the bridegroom did finally appear.

If you think of us as being the virgins, then we should be ever prepared for when the bridegroom does come – when Christ returns. We do not know when He is going to return! Some thought it was going to be soon after His death and resurrection, whilst others put a longer timespan on it. We still don’t know the date or time despite what people will try to tell us; all we get is clues about what the world will be like before He returns.

Many of those clues are coming true in this generation, but still we cannot be sure of the day! Instead, we should be prepared for that day and continue to be ready without nodding off to sleep, walking away or not having enough oil when the time comes! So what does the oil equate to? Everything in your life which will make you ready for Christ’s return, from reading His word, being prepared, keeping ourselves for Christ – the list goes on and on… which makes us weary as we wait!

Points to Ponder:
What would you do if you were told Christ was returning tomorrow?

What are you doing in your life to be ready?