Wednesday 26 Feb 2020

February 26: Galatians 6:1-6

Key Verse: Galatians 6:4
Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else

When you go into an unknown situation, it is always good to know someone is looking out for you and even better if they have been in the situation you are heading for so they can guide you through it. As Christians we need to be looking out for each other as well as looking out for people who are not Christians; the problem comes when we have to face the things others face because we might be tempted to give in to the temptations facing them, just as they may want to give in.

Jesus led the disciples through their lives when He was with them, guiding them and showing them what was best. He also guided them away from any sins in their lives where He could. He did not ban them from sin but rather gently showed them a right way of approaching things so they could make an informed choice in their own lives. This is what He would like us to do – the problem being we do not always know what is best for others…

The best we can do is to listen to the Holy Spirit and do what He says is right for each of us. In doing so we become better examples for others to follow and examples through which they can gain strength. Part of that is in carrying each others burdens. Not only is this what Christ wanted of us but also the example He showed us so we could follow. Christ continues to say we should share our burdens with Him so we may find strength and guidance through His example.

When we begin to raise our thought about ourselves and our abilities above what we are capable of, we only fool ourselves because others will see through our deception! So each of us needs to watch what we do and what we are capable of doing, without comparing ourselves to others. When we do start comparing ourselves to others we become disillusioned with our own lives and things break down. Christ wants us to live our own lives, but when we learn more about Him, we should be willing to share that information with others freely.

Points to Ponder:
Do you keep to yourself?

Or do you share your life with your friends?