Tuesday 4 Feb 2020

February 4: Acts 20:22-24

Key Verse: Acts 20:24
However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.

Have you ever faced a decision where no matter what choice you make, the choice looks like a bad choice or a bad outcome will be awaiting? I can remember times at school when I would have to make the choice of going to see a teacher knowing the outcome of that meeting would mean me having to go and see the deputy head or generally get into trouble; but I had to face it!

Paul knew what was waiting for him in Jerusalem was not going to be nice because God had warned him through the Holy Spirit on many occasions. Now was the time he had to make the choice of having to go back to Jerusalem and find out what horrors would be there waiting for him! He kept his faith in God and walked back into Jerusalem.

When God has asked us to do something and the only outcome we can see seems to be a bad outcome, we need to have faith God knows what He is doing and has planned for this to bring glory to Him in the right manner. Yes, we will face hard times and we may even have our hearts broken – but giving the situation to God and trusting Him for the right outcome is what He is calling us to do.

We have many situation in our bibles describing people who have given their ‘bad choice’ to God and asked Him for protection; and in each case God has received glory far beyond what He would have received if those people had not fully trusted in Him. So, next time you are faced with a decision where the outcome looks very bleak, lift up your situation to God and place it firmly in His hands – don’t try to work out the outcome for yourself because you will end up spoiling God’s perfect planning – listen closely to what God has to say and trust in those promises He made to us in the beginning.

Points to Ponder:
Do you like making horrible choices?

Have you tried to place your horrible choices fully in God’s hands?