Wednesday 29 Jan 2020

January 29: 2 Corinthians 10:1-6

Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 10:2
I beg you that when I come I may not have to be as bold as I expect to be toward some people who think that we live by the standards of this world.

I don’t think any of us like to confront people with what they are doing wrong just as Paul did not like having to confront the Corinthians – but, he was willing to do so to stop them following the ways of the world! The more people live in the ways of the world, the more they are willing to push their ways and the ways of the world instead up upholding God’s ways. Just like the passage yesterday, we need to remember we are working against spiritual powers and need God’s power and wisdom to bring us through and allow us to promote gospel ways!

I wonder how many times teachers had to (or have to) tell you off because of the things you did (or do) in class which are not right! The way the teachers used to stop us from doing things wrong was with a cane – the ways teachers do this now are very different; but they are still ways of the world and not the way Christians should be doing things.

Christ calls us to uphold the gospel and promote the gospel to encourage others on the right path and not to constantly punish people when they step off the path He has described in our lives! The weapons we should be using are not the canes from long ago, nor the exclusions and others ways of the world today but rather we have the divine power of God through which we can accomplish so much more.

Don’t limit your ways to the ways of the world but rather allow God to use His ways and His powers to overcome the worldly and spiritual powers we work against. It is said that a single voice cannot do much, but multiple voices can do so much more; I put it to you that a single voice backed up by the most powerful and wise voice in our world can do immeasurably more than we can imagine! This means obeying God and trusting more to Him than we do now...

Points to Ponder:
How strong do you think you are?

Will you give your battles to God to win the wars?