Monday 3 Aug 2020

August 3: John 4:46-54

Key Verse: John 4:48
‘Unless you people see signs and wonders,’ Jesus told him, ‘you will never believe.’

What does it take before you really believe something? Will it take an earth-shattering event or will you believe something God tells you through another person? I have learned God speaks to us through other people and not just through the big events of this world. Yes it may well have been a big event which cemented my belief God is my protector, but each day I continue to realise just how much He does on a day-by-day basis!

Don’t wait until you have an earth-shattering event happen because you may find it is the most difficult thing you have ever been through, or the worst imaginable thing! God wants us to believe Him because we want to and because we trust Him, not because it is the last thing on earth left before we collapse into a big heap.

This royal official must have been at the end of his tether with the looming death of his son – not something I ever want to have to live through. And what was the response from Jesus? A seemingly uncaring “go away your son will live” How was he supposed to believe this when his whole being was telling him his son was near to death? Why else would he have come to Jesus as a last resort?

Don’t wait for a last resort but place your faith and trust in the one true God is is willing and able to do so much more than we can imagine. Remember the little things which He is telling you through other people. Remember the chances He gives you. Add up all of those little things and see just how big the picture really is. He has got your back whether you realise it or not!

Points to Ponder:
What makes you stop and listen?

Will you listen to the small voice of someone else God is speaking through?