Wednesday 5 Aug 2020

August 5: John 5:31-35

Key Verse: John 5:31
If I testify about myself, my testimony is not true.

As much as Jesus went around proclaiming He is the Son of God and teaching people the truth, He also made sure there were others who would also do the same; not because He needs the backup, but because we do. We find it hard to believe in something one person tells us unless we have some sort of confirmation from other people. That’s just human nature.

What God did was to make sure there is always someone willing and able to back up the truth so we can be convinced. Admit it. We are all sceptical. We don’t just accept things. God knew this and He made a way we can accept the truth. We have the truth Jesus came to deliver, we have the Holy Spirit who is able to convince us from the inside… but we can always get a bit of help from those around us.

If we need a bit of help now and again from the people around us, then how much help can we be to those people who don’t know God yet? How much can we say and do which will help them to understand just who God is and how much he can do in their lives? It is not really our task to convince anyone that Jesus is the way the truth and the life… but it is our task to open their eyes and hearts to the fact this may be the case.

Once we are able to open their eyes and hearts, Christ can come in and do the convincing. Yes, God could make some catastrophic event which will make us all believe, but He continues to allow us to make our own minds up. He asks His children to go out and invite people in. He then works directly in their hearts to allow them to see the truth and start a new life with Him in the middle!

Points to Ponder:
Do you tell others God is real?

Do you know He wants you to do that?