Saturday 8 Aug 2020

August 8: Luke 24:13-17

Key Verse: Luke 24:16
but they were kept from recognising him.

How many times do you look at a picture and wonder why someone has showed you the picture… only to be told they are a famous artist or musician whom you have heard of but never seen! Unless we get to know people in one way or another, we remain in the dark as to who they are and what they can do – we are essentially blind to their abilities… We may hear through someone else they can do things, but unless we can join up the face with the person doing the task, we still remain in the dark!

I bet these two felt a bit silly when they did realise it was Jesus walking with them – but they were too tied up the in woes of the world to realise it was Him. That is how we get sometimes too, we get too bogged down in the things which are going wrong around us and we lose sight of what we have in our hands!

Jesus wants us to take stock of what we have from time to time so we can realise just how much He is doing for us all the time. As long s we continue to allow ourselves to be side-tracked, we often lose sight of what Jesus is doing in our lives. I know this because I have been there and it was only when I looked back on what had happened did I realise just how much God was looking after me!

I can totally relate to these two because I do get a bit too caught up in things and lose track of what is happening right in front of me! You don’t have to rely on me to tall you that, just ask the people around me!

Today, as we continue to have very warm weather here in Europe, take a bit of time to stop and look around you. When I did that earlier I was able to see things like the flowers wilting in the heat – which reminded me I should be taking in my daily bread to build me up and that’s not just my lunch!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you get caught up in things?

How often do you stop and thank God for what He is doing right now?