Wednesday 19 Aug 2020

August 19: Romans 11:28-32

Key Verse: Romans 11:29
for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.

Sometimes you just have to fall flat on your face so someone else can help you to get up… but what you do after that is what counts! God has given us a promise which He keeps, not intends to keep, but keeps!

We have historical records which show how mankind has walked with God, wandered off from God, worshipped other gods and eventually come back to the One True God! We have many of these accounts in our bible which scholars have tried to ensure is as much of the truth as we need to have in order to know the truth. But, despite having all this history, records and encouragement written down, we still falter and trip up. It’s just the way we are and we need to accept ourselves the way we are.

If we were going down the road of taking drugs or drinking too much alcohol, we would have to admit to ourselves we have a problem before we could make any changes in our lives. If we don’t admit we have an issue, then we cannot identify where we are going wrong and what the right path is to take. The same can be said for our Christian walk with God. Unless we admit to having issues in our lives we cannot hope to identify we have problems and sin in our lives.

The most important thing we have to remember is God’s gift and His call are irrevocable! That means the gift has been given freely and will always be there for us to accept. He also knows the people He wants to step forward and take the gospel out to others. This call is also always there. No matter how far we wander off and sin, no matter how much we ignore His call, it is always there and will always remain for us to pick up as His free gift to us.

How else can God show us His amazing mercy and grace unless we have in some way fallen from that grace at some stage in our lives. Does this mean we need to fall before we can live with Christ? No! For those lucky enough to have only stumbled a little, the gift is still there and still free and just as important and powerful as to someone who has fallen off a cliff (figuratively speaking!)

Points to Ponder:
How far do you feel from God?

Do you really want to hit rock bottom before you take up your free gift from God?