Saturday 22 Aug 2020

August 22: John 3:1-3

Key Verse: John 3:2
He came to Jesus at night and said, ‘Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.’

Nicodemus, a man who had a position in the Jewish ruling council, wanted to know how to be saved. He had heard the gospel message and was convinced this was the way to go forward in his life. No longer was he blinkered by the man-made extensions to God’s Commandments, he was a man on a mission...

But he knew exactly what the Jewish ruling council could do to him if he opposed their strict rules. He was scared of what they may do to him if he was to admit he followed Jesus. So, he came to see Jesus at night when there would be much less chance of any of the rulers or their spies seeing him come to see Jesus.

How was he convinced? By what he had heard of and possibly seen happen to others. Jesus knew if He healed the right people, the right people would get to know about this and the Holy Spirit would be able to convince those people God was real and Jesus had come directly from God! That is such a huge statement! He was admitting Jesus came from God; he was admitting Jesus was the Messiah – something the Jewish ruling council did not want to admit to…

This is our reminder we don’t have to stand up in front of a church congregation to admit we want Jesus in our own lives. We can do it by being alone, even stuck in a cupboard or wherever! Jesus wants us to freely admit He is the Son of God and He has come to set us free, to be saved from our sin debt, to be free to worship Him whether it be in a church or alone at home or in hiding because another ruling council does not want you to know the truth!

Points to Ponder:
Do you know Jesus as you Lord and Saviour?

If not, will you ask Him to be your Lord and Saviour wherever you are?