Monday 24 Aug 2020

August 24: 1 John 4:16-18

Key Verse: 1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

This letter really does drill home the words God is love! But words are just words unless people listen to them and act upon them too. We could all speak the right words and go off and do our own things instead, making the words of little or no effect; meaningless!

As Christians we do need to fully rely on God’s love in our lives because it is central to being a Christian and central to our lives in general. If we do not love then we are meaningless vessels who are of no real use in any community. The more we realise God is love, the more we draw closer to Him when we do exercise love in our own lives. Focusing on what the love is for and not just that there must be love will help us to focus on God’s love in our communities too!

We do need to remember there is no fear in love! Notice I say there is no fear, not there should not be fear… If we bring fear into the equation then we are making an excuse where we will not have to love unconditionally. This unconditional love is the love God has for us and the love we need to spread in our families and in our communities. Good and wholesome love will drive out fear because the definition of love does not contain fear.

The basic concept of fear has to do with punishment in some form or another. Love does not include punishment… punishment is sometimes dealt out in the name of love because we would rather see someone punished now to stop them from offending than to face greater punishment after they are found out. Love did not cause the offence in the first place, love had to deal with the real-world problem after it has happened!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you bring fear into a relationship?

Are you ready to put it all on the line so love can make the relationship better?