Saturday 29 Aug 2020

August 29: Nehemiah 2:4-8
Key Verse: Nehemiah 2:4
The king said to me, ‘What is it you want?’ Then I prayed to the God of heaven,

What is the first thing you do when you are going to make a big decision in your life? Do you rummage through the ‘Which’ magazines to find articles supporting your next move? Do you jump onto the Internet and search for as much information as you can? Do you ask your friends and family for advice and sift through it all to define the best plan?
I think doing all of the above is good and wholesome to do before making final choices for any big things you may want to purchase, but what about the changes in your lifestyle? Well the same could be said for almost any choice, but one key thing is missing from the above. God!
When I was younger, I used to jump at new opportunities and strive to do things which would work for my advancement in my career; but as I get older and wiser I tend to stop and bring God into the choice before I make my moves. If it is the right move in your life, God must be at the centre of it all before you finalise any decisions.
Nehemiah asked God to be with him in what he was doing and trusted God would make things happen which not just allowed the Jewish people to come back together but thrive once again. Nehemiah’s choices may well seem bold but I’m sure it was his belief God was with him and would enable it all to go ahead. What Nehemiah did was ask the one who could supply the unreachable at that time and God made it possible!
We need to include God in every step in our lives and not just the difficult times or the hard times; the more we include God the more we can see the power of God and the more we can give Him the glory.
Points to Ponder:
Who is you go-to when you need to make a decision?
How often do you bring God into your everyday decisions?