Monday 31 Aug 2020

August 31: Nehemiah 3:1-5
Key Verse: Nehemiah 3:5
The next section was repaired by the men of Tekoa, but their nobles would not put their shoulders to the work under their supervisors.
How many times have you tried to do something by yourself and failed – just because you did not have the time, resources or strength to fulfil your task in hand... If we are willing to work as a team, we will get more done than if we try go it alone. If we do all work together at the same time, we get more done in a shorter period... This is just common sense!
But, like all things, there are going to be groups, people or situations where there is going to be a shortfall or where some will simply not do the work. Here we have the nobles who would not get to work alongside the common folk and certainly not under the charge of a commoner!
But if we look at how Jesus set about working whilst He was here on earth, we see a very different picture. He is King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and yet He was willing to be servant to all, noble and common alike, saint and sinner side by side. This is the example we need to remember and need to carry on for Christ because this is His legacy!
One thing which scares me very much is how some people think they are above this virus and do not take the proper precautions. Whilst the likelihood of us all getting the virus is slim, being stupid about it and playing with fire will get you burned! This is also why Jesus wants us to work together as a team, from the humblest to the most knighted and noble of people; we all need to work together so we can avoid a major catastrophe. The time for teamwork is now!
Points to Ponder:
Do you like going it alone or working in a team?
Will you put aside your differences and work alongside Christ as a team?