Saturday 12 Sep 2020

September 12: Nehemiah 8:13-17
Key Verse: Nehemiah 8:16
So the people went out and brought back branches and built themselves temporary shelters on their own roofs, in their courtyards, in the courts of the house of God and in the square by the Water Gate and the one by the Gate of Ephraim.
This year has seen many things change for the whole world and one of the biggest I have missed is the large gatherings of Christians in the summer where so many come together in one place to camp in temporary shelters (tents or chalets) so people can re-focus on God.
This year during the time when we would normally gather near Peterborough in the UK for New Wine, we all had to stay at home and in very small groups... not quite the same as thousands of people getting together... But, nonetheless, we did spend that time trying to refocus on God in an entirely new way. Unfortunately, I was quite busy with work during that week, but having the whole week recorded and available to watch online at a later date helped me catch up a few weeks later...
What am I getting at? Sometimes we get too carried away with the organisation of things to stop and spend our time refocusing on God. Nehemiah got all the organisation out of the way, got the celebrations out the way, and then tried to spend some time alone with God.
Sometimes we do find the connection with God when we are in big groups, but sometimes we do have to separate ourselves from the every-day to reconnect in a meaningful way. Whatever way we find is best for us is going to be best for God since we are reconnecting with Him.
As the weekend starts, maybe this is a good time for you to stop the everyday for a while and spend time with your God away from the distractions of life...
Points to Ponder:
What are you willing to do to reconnect with your God?
Will you stop your everyday activities for a season to settle down with God?