Tuesday 29 Sep 2020

September 29: Psalms 86:1-7
Key Verse: Psalms 86:4
Bring joy to your servant, Lord, for I put my trust in you.

How often do you ask God for help? I know I do ask a lot of God and I am amazed by how much He is willing to do for me, a simple, humble man. I am not a businessman, I don’t own much, not a house or even a car now... but what I do have is my relationship with God which means more to me than any earthly riches. Yes, I would like to own my own house, have a car and not worry about whether I will be able to pay my rent, but life is not like that... we all have hurdles to jump every day.
I know God cares for the poor and needy because I have seen it many times in person as well as read of it many times in the bible. I don’t go out of my way to be poor so God will look after me, but equally I don’t rush after earthly riches. I do love to volunteer for charity work and love to help people understand how much God means to me – this is what makes me happy and content!
One thing I have learned over the past couple of years is God is the one who is looking after my soul. My body broke down last year in a big way and forced me to stay for quite a while in hospital whilst the amazing doctors and nurses of the UK NHS treated me and nursed me back to a state where I had a fighting chance of surviving out of hospital once again. This time has taught me a lot about God’s love because I saw a whole string of people being placed around me who would normally not be there, both Christians and non-Christians alike.
God works with us in the state He finds us in. If we are broken, He will work with us in that broken state. If we are fit and well, he can use us to reach out to others who do need a little extra help. God has no problem reaching down to us in our most vulnerable and humble states and lifting us up in ways we don’t realise until after the fact. I look back now and see so much God did for me over the last two years and I love Him more!
Points to Ponder:
Do you ask God for help daily?
Will you stop trying to do it all and ask for more help?