Tuesday 13 Oct 2020

October 13: Jeremiah 1:4-10
Key Verse: Jeremiah 1:5
‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.’
One of the hardest things I face every year is seeing young people grow more and more disillusioned with the world as elders tell them they are useless or cannot do things! This is the way to destroy a country, not build it up! Young people are our future; they are the ones who will be doing things when we no longer can due to age or illness – lift them up and encourage them!
God knew this was the way forward as He picked people out when they were young and showed them just how special they are, how much they are needed and how far in life they could go. Prophets and kings have been chosen as young people and brought up in God’s arms so they can rule kingdoms and countries!
This does not mean we pre-select the rich people who are more likely to succeed; that is a man-made limitation, and one God has never chosen. God chooses the people He knows will make a difference and makes sure they are placed in the right place at the right time to take on the work required. Sometimes that work is going to be very hard and it will take a strong young person to be able to do things right for God.
Sometimes it is the elders who are too set in their ways which prevents God’s work from being completed. This is something I have grown to accept as I get older too. I have been doing youth work for a couple of decades but am learning so much from the youth during these harsh times of Covid. What pleases me most: When a young person steps forward and does something they learned as a child in my care years ago! Imagine how God feels when we do something righteous!
Points to Ponder:
Do you feel like God is calling you?
Are you listening to God or giving in to peer pressure?