Saturday 24 Oct 2020

October 24: 1 Corinthians 6:18-20
Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 6:19
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;
How honest do you think you are? How honest do you know you are? We have all done something wrong with our bodies at some stage in our lives, from the stuff which comes out of our mouths, the debatable things running through our minds, the greed and lust of our spirits – the list could be endless for each of us if we brought up every little thing we have done wrong!
God wants us to know He will forgive us for the things we bring to Him. He has promised this to us, and Jesus came to live out that promise. If we want to continue to try and hide stuff from God (which is impossible) then we are harming our own spirits as we fight against an unseen enemy. The harm is not toward God because He already knows what we have done, but toward ourselves as we build up false hope on a foundation which is just not there!
This part of scripture is highlighting sexual immorality because it is probably one of the biggest things which will break down our spiritual and mental health. When we consent to sexual immorality, which we know to be wrong, we are heaping up fuel in the fire which is burning away at our spiritual and mental health. We need to be honest with God and honest with ourselves – that way we may have a better chance at hearing when the Holy Spirit tries to guide us away from such menacing things in our lives.
Think of is as being like a huge bonfire. The more fuel we give the fire, the more we hear the fire and not the voices around us. We may not be being consumed by the actual fire, but the noise it produces consumes our thoughts and we are quickly lost in the noise of the flames instead of the communion with the people next to us. Don’t feed the fire...
Points to Ponder:
What do you throw into the fire every day?
Will you give it to God instead of feeding the fire?