Saturday 28 Nov 2020

November 28: John 14:6-14
Key Verse: John 14:8
Philip said, ‘Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.’

How many times do we ask for proof God exists? How many times do we ask for some sort of miracle just so we can believe a little bit more? We are always seeking proof and doubting when we do not get the proof – because it is by faith we live and not by physical proof! Well, we have had the physical proof, we have the eyewitnesses written testimony, we have the records of all the miracles... and still we doubt.
Jesus would not have had to go to the cross if we did not need it. Jesus would not have come to live amongst us if we did not need it. But He did. He did this all because of His continuing and unwavering love for us all. We do need to remember why rather than just the facts and figures. Facts and figures seem to lose their weight after a while as we grow dull to the news.
We do need to remember these words Jesus spoke to the disciples and the reason why Philip would ask for Jesus to show them God the Father. Jesus spoke these words because they, like is, struggled with how they could draw closer to God. We should be approaching God through Jesus because it is He who has given His life to be the advocate acting on our behalf. God knew He could not accept anyone who was a sinner into Heaven, so by allowing Jesus to come and be the perfect sacrifice, the one who took away all of our sins, God can accept us as people made perfect by His Son.
We need to thank God daily for allowing Jesus to come to us and be our Saviour. We need to ask for forgiveness for each of the things we do wrong and try to change our ways so we don’t carry on doing things wrong. Jesus has paid the price, but it does not give us free access to do anything we like from now on!
Points to Ponder:
Do you know Jesus is your Saviour?
Will you have faith to trust Jesus?