Friday 4 Dec 2020

December 4: Matthew 5:3-10
Key Verse: Matthew 5:4
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Today we say a fond farewell to my father who has fought a long battle with cancer; to us it is an “au revoir pour le moment” and not a final goodbye. We know he loved Jesus and lived his life for Christ, always caring for others.
As a child, I often though he was strict, but as an adult I look back and see how he was keeping me on track with the way God wanted us to live. He never forced God or religion on me, allowing me to make my own choices and live the life I thought was best; but always trying to show me a way of hope he knew inside.
I do pray each of you will meet someone in your life who has a hidden agenda, one which wants you to know about Jesus whilst not bashing you on the head with words which seem meaningless at the time. After living on an estate in London for a few years, I can honestly say I have learned how people need each other and need the love and support of a whole community in order to grow.
If that community has God at its centre, then that community will prosper in the long run. It may have aches and pains in the beginning as the old self is put aside and the new life in Christ is embraced, but the long-term gains of peace and love far outweigh any grumbles in the beginning.
Just like my dad looked at these words and accepted them in his heart for others, so our Father in Heaven looks to us to lift up these words to others and give them hope in this crazy world.
Points to Ponder:
Do you know someone who needs a virtual hug today?
Will you ask God how you can bless someone today?