Wednesday 9 Dec 2020

December 9: Jeremiah 10:2-7
Key Verse: Jeremiah 10:3
For the practices of the peoples are worthless; they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel.
How often do you look at nature and marvel at the intricate design, beauty and splendour of the things God has created? From a simple flower which is so delicate but brings out passion, compassion and love in us all, to the power and stability of a mountain which has stood for thousands of years, God’s creations show us what is possible if you have the right attitude during creation.
We have learned to take some creations which look dull and even lifeless, and bring them to life by carving, chiselling and adorning them with shiny decorations. We have learned to take the delicate flowers and arrange them in ways which show our love. We have learned to mix soft and malleable items together to make hard, enduring structures for our good.
But nothing we do can compare to the things God creates for us; though we strive to make it happen in so many ways. God wants us to know His love for us by the things He does for us, but also through all He has created around us. If we stop and look at things, we will see the depth of His love!
No matter how powerful some nations say they are, and even prove in the battlefield, they are nothing compared to the power God has; all we need do is look at the ultimate force of natural things to see just how powerful our creator is – because He holds all of these things in His hands!
Points to Ponder:
Who do you look to as the most powerful person?
Could they place the moon in just the right place to move around the earth?