Wednesday 16 Dec 2020

December 16: Luke 1:26-38
Key Verse: Luke 1:35
The angel answered, ‘The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.
Here we have a young Mary who is probably just getting used to the idea she is going to be married soon, when the angel Gabriel appears to her and tells her she is going to have a baby! Before she has even been with Joseph! And Joseph is not even going to be the father! Let's start to get that round our heads...
But Mary accepts what Gabriel says and starts to prepare herself for the road ahead. What are the people going to say? What is Joseph going to say? We can’t really begin to wonder what she was getting ready to face – other than she knew God was in it and God was going to take care of her!
Gabriel did not say everything was going to be fine and dandy, he did not say it would be smooth sailing from here on in. He did not say they would be placed in danger as soon as Jesus was born. And I don’t think Mary would have foreseen that either. But she was willing to say ‘yes!’ and to go with whatever God deemed necessary.
Her faith was going to make it all ok in the end – that is what she was clinging to and what we should be focusing on in our lives. We need to have faith God is going to tell us where and when we need to be in order to fulfil His will in our lives. We need to listen to that will and say, “here am I, send me!”
Points to Ponder:
Are you ready to listen to God?
Will you say “here I am, send me” today?