Friday 22 Jan 2021

January 22: Proverb 3:19-20
Key Verse: Proverbs 3:19
By wisdom the Lord laid the earth’s foundations, by understanding he set the heavens in place;
I loved doing science experiments when I was younger – especially those chemical types which made new things. What I could not get my head round was the chemical reactions and formulas which were happening behind the scenes. I marvelled at the chemistry teachers as they went about showing us experiments as if it was something they “just did!”
Now, we could look at God as being someone who just does the experiments which give us many of the things we take for granted, or we could try and understand how He does things... But, in the end we have to accept He is able to do things which we may never be able to understand or grasp; but because we do see it happening, we should believe it!
God created this world because He could and because He wanted something special for us. His abilities are far beyond our normal understanding it terms of science and physics, but we should still accept it as the truth because He has already done it. It may be hard to accept something we cannot see – but accepting something we see should be ‘normal.’
We probably don’t deserve what God has created for us and given us, but He has, because He loves us. We don’t have to return it when we mess it up! We don’t have to try and fix everything we break... God gave this all to us as a gift and continues to support us with this gift every day of our lives. Accept all God is doing and thank Him for it, daily.
Points to Ponder:
Have you looked at the natural world around you?
Do you see the design God has planned for everything?