Saturday 30 Jan 2021

January 30: John 9:1-7
Key Verse: John 9:6
After saying this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes.
Why would Jesus put mud on the eyes of the blind man? I don’t know if you have ever god mud in your eyes – I have a long history of getting things in my eyes when I was small and still seem to get things in my eyes nowadays! It is not comfortable and certainly not something you would ever equate to getting better or healing!
As we go through the words Jesus spoke here we begin to realise it is the circumstance and the way forward which makes a big impact on what people remember. If Jesus had simply healed the man who was blind from birth, would it have got so much attention? Would people remember it? Jesus knew exactly what was needed for people to remember what was happening here!
The pool of Siloam was also remembered, and people cling to things and places where the extraordinary has happened – it gives us something to focus on and something tangible to believe with. Jesus knew it would be a much bigger impact if He stuck mud in this mans eyes so he would have to wash his eyes out properly. The act of doing something would make more people believe in what Christ could do!
Similarly, God may allow something into your life which you feel is unfair or even unjust, but the results and the outcome will be remembered much more due to the extent of what has happened. My faith has grown so much more since I was in hospital and brought back from near death a few times. Not something I would wish on anyone and not something I want to repeat – but I know how much God did for me and how much He comforted me during those times!
Points to Ponder:
What will it take for you to take notice?
Do you really want to go through bad times to see God’s grace?