Monday 15 Feb 2021

February 15: John 6:60-66
Key Verse: John 6:66
From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.
This is one of those sections of scripture where you will either wonder how they can even think like this, or you will totally relate to their feelings at the time. Maybe you are like the disciples who stood by Jesus, or maybe you have been like one of the others who walked away from Jesus. I know both sides because I have been there, walked away, but thankfully have found my way back again...
Jesus was not one to hold back the punches – He let the fly when people tried to trip Him up or tried to justify their own ways instead of upholding God’s ways. And when someone in authority throws a punch, many people turn their backs on them and walk away – we see this happening in many parts of the world right now where people are turning their backs on people in authority because they have been upset in some manner by them.
One way of looking at this is to put yourself in their shoes and try to figure out what you would do; not a “I should do this” but rather “what would I have done in those circumstances”
God continues to uphold the truth and sometimes we are faced with hard decisions because we have chosen our own paths of ease rather than standing with the difficult truth. Sometimes we have to make that hard decision which may well upset us or others around us, but we have to make it because we need to stand up with God’s truth rather than our own desires.
Points to Ponder:
Do you find it hard to keep being a Christian?
Will you hold out your hands and allow God to guide you?